Advanced 8 Weeks Steroids and Sarms Gaining Stack for Beginner
Purchase the Advanced 8 Weeks Steroids and Sarms Gaining Stack for Beginner for a total amount of ₹19,997/-
2 x Nutrocubalis - ₹6200/-
1 x Bulk Bomba - ₹5,300/-
1 x Turinoid - ₹2,500/-
1 x Cabergline - ₹1,700/-
1 x Tamoxif 20 - ₹1,300/-
2 x Livodrome - ₹1,998/-
1 x Essattovite Men - ₹999/-
Get a 2.27kg PRO-PHASE and 1 psc Tri-nitro worth ₹9199/- for free, along with free shipping.
Buy now and receive a free personalized diet plan from our certified Exercise and Nutrition Experts.
Nutrocubalis - 10mg twice a day(once upon waking and once before bed) on empty stomach.
Bulk Bomba - 2ml once a week
Turinoid - 20mg on an empty stomach before the workout
Cabergline - 1 tab EOD
Tamoxif 20 - 1 capsule once every other day
Livodrome - 2 capsules twice a day after meals
Essattovite Men - 2 capsules with breakfast
Product Details:
NUTROCUBALIS: Unleash NUTROCUBALIS, the ultimate Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP), also known as MK677 or Nutrobal. Activate your Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland, experiencing substantial releases of Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). This oral supplement accelerates muscle growth, enhances power, and aids in faster recovery.
Key Benefits: Supercharges protein synthesis and nitrogen retention for rapid gains, Activates GH and IGF-1 for increased power, muscle size, and accelerated fat loss, Stimulates extreme appetite and enhances nutrient absorption, promoting mass gains, Versatile use without the need for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) or washing, Effective for muscle and overall weight gain, ideal for mass building.
BULK-BOMBA: A potent muscle-building catalyst combining Testosterone, Boldenone, and Nandrolone for unparalleled bodybuilding results.
Key Benefits: Stimulates massive power, enhances lean muscle gain, and promotes quicker recovery.
TURINOID: Features Turinabol, an efficient and versatile anabolic steroid suitable for diverse cycling needs, offering balanced muscle growth and improved athletic performance.
Key Benefits: Ideal for bulking, cutting, or lean gaining cycles, providing significant performance boosts with reduced side effect risk.
Cabergoline is a dopamine receptor agonist that is used to reduce prolactin levels. It is mainly used to treat hyperprolactinemia, but it is also relevant for anabolic steroid users.
REDUCES PROLACTIN LEVELS : As testosterone levels rise in body due to anabolic steroid use, the hypothalamus gland releases a powerful stress hormone by the name of prolactin. CABERGLINE™ is Powerful Medicine which effectively blocks Prolactin.
- Regulates prolactin to prevent gynecomastia and puffy nipples as Elevated prolactin levels can lead to the development of mammary glands and tissue growth around them, potentially causing severe gynecomastia or puffy nipples.
Elevated prolactin levels can decrease testosterone and sperm production in men, leading to side effects such as testicular shrinkage, reduced sperm count, low libido, and erectile dysfunction.
- As Prolactin reduces DOPAMINE levels drastically, Blocking it by CABERGLINE™ it helps in stabilizing mood, reducing aggression, depression, and anxiety linked to steroid use.
REDUCES CORTISOL LEVELS : With the rise of testosterone levels another sinister stress hormone CORTISOL is released by adrenal Gland. CABERGLINE™ is Powerful Medicine which effectively blocks Cortisol which is the biggest enemy of your gains on a cycle.
Maximizes Muscle Gaining Potential: Cortisol accelerates protein and glycogen breakdown in muscles Cells, potentially leading to quicker muscle loss. During cycles aimed at muscle gains, elevated cortisol levels can hinder progress by slowing muscle growth despite efforts to maximize gains.
Enhances Fat Loss: High Cortisol Levels have shown to increase fat deposition, so Lowering cortisol prevents unnecessary fat storage, particularly in the abdomen.
Improves Mood and Performance: Cortisol is a stress hormone, Lowering it Stabilizes mood fluctuations, reducing stress and enhancing focus and motivation.
Reduces Steroid Side Effects: Balances cortisol to mitigate common side effects of steroid use, promoting a healthier cycle experience.
Prevents Desensitization from any compound: Blocking cortisol with medications like CABERGLINE can help prevent the desensitization often seen with prolonged anabolic steroid use. By inhibiting cortisol, it ensures that the body remains responsive to steroids without the need for increasing doses, allowing for more effective and sustained results from steroid cycles. This approach enhances the efficiency of steroid use, ensuring maximum benefits while minimizing potential for tolerance development.
Key Benefits: Reduces prolactin-related side effects during cycles, promoting overall hormonal balance.
TAMOXIF-20: An effective post-cycle therapy (PCT) drug that controls estrogen levels, prevents estrogen-related side effects, and speeds up the recovery process.
Key Benefits: Ensures a smooth transition post-cycle, restoring natural testosterone levels.
LIVODROME: A cutting-edge Liver Support Matrix promoting liver health with a powerful blend of N-Acetyl Cysteine, Curuma Lenga, and Silybum Marianium.
Key Benefits: Supports liver function, enhances digestion, and aids in quicker recovery after stress or intense activities.
Essattovite Men: A comprehensive multivitamin designed to support men's overall health and well-being. Key Benefits: Provides essential nutrients for overall health, filling nutritional gaps for a balanced lifestyle.
PRO-PHASE: A premium whey supplement with a potent MPS Blend for maximum gains and minimal effort.
Key Benefits: Anabolic powerhouse with Anavar-like results, metabolic boost, efficient digestion, rapid recovery, and comprehensive BCAA support.
BHOKAAL: India's first DTM Pre-Explosive Pre-Workout Power, providing high-explosive ammunition for elevated workouts.
Key Benefits: Delays fatigue, offers explosive energy, promotes a massive pump, and enhances intense focus for elevated workout performance.